I would like to introduce some excellent data recovery tools for you.
Before I getting started, let me explain why I am interested in such kind of products. About three years ago, I re-organized my computer at one night, but unfortunately, I formated my hard drive and all data was gone! I wanted to cry at that moment. Then I searched on the internet by another computer, and I was so excited when I finally found a free hard drive data recovery utility. Most of the data were rescued, however, some important data were lost forever.
After that, I learned about the No 1 software in providing data recovery for retrieving our inaccessible data, it's called Nucleus Data Recovery. It is the kernel of Hard Drive Data Recovery Software family of products. And it might be considered as the best data recovery software solutions for recovering the data from logical crashes and file corruptions in the world. No matter what the reason is. This hard drive data recovery software is full of effectiveness and easy to use. It's a true DIY solution as well as it requires no technical expertise whatsoever to recover the lost data.
Other hard drive data recovery softwares can also recover your deleted files and lost data. But I think no one can provide a wider range of disk recovery software and data recovery software to retreive the data from damaged or corrupted Windows, Novell, Linux, Macintosh, Sun Solaris and OS/2 hard drives than Nucleus Data Recovery. They not only provide hard drive data recovery software tool to repair corrupted files, but also the tools to repair corrupted databases, utilities to recover the data from corrupted situations.
You can download the demo versions of the Kernel Hard Drive Data Recovery software for FREE to evaluate them in your computer and you can purchase online the their complete and cost effective data recovery and hard drive recovery software family products.
2010年4月21日 星期三
2010年4月4日 星期日
2010年1月22日 星期五
最近非常 HOT 的一個科技名詞,就非『雲端運算』莫屬了。其實這個概念,在五六年以前就被提出,許多相關產業也早已開始佈局。那它到底是什麼? 跟我們又有什們關係呢?
第一張圖,說明了透過『雲端運算』,將來我們所有的資料都放在網路上的伺服器內,甚至連各種應用程式以及作業系統,也全部都在『雲端』。因此,每個人不再需要擁有一台效能很好但卻笨重的電腦,只需要一個新產品 --- 既輕巧又能夠上網的裝置即可。您是否有過這樣的經驗,準備了好久的簡報資料,結果到了國外客戶那邊才發現沒有帶到,怎麼辦?請同事用 e-mail 寄?充滿影音多媒體聲光效果的檔案可能上百MB,怎麼寄?這在雲端運算的世界裡,將成為歷史。只要連上網,就能展示您精采的簡報內容,讓客戶滿意的跟您簽下合約。
綜合以上,個人認為雲端運算降低了 PC 的複雜度,在節能減碳方面應該會有所貢獻。但是,能否普及,就要看網路安全這一塊是不是能夠做到讓人信任。如果我很有錢,我一定會去買幾家做網路安全的公司,將來一定大賺!哈哈...
第一張圖,說明了透過『雲端運算』,將來我們所有的資料都放在網路上的伺服器內,甚至連各種應用程式以及作業系統,也全部都在『雲端』。因此,每個人不再需要擁有一台效能很好但卻笨重的電腦,只需要一個新產品 --- 既輕巧又能夠上網的裝置即可。您是否有過這樣的經驗,準備了好久的簡報資料,結果到了國外客戶那邊才發現沒有帶到,怎麼辦?請同事用 e-mail 寄?充滿影音多媒體聲光效果的檔案可能上百MB,怎麼寄?這在雲端運算的世界裡,將成為歷史。只要連上網,就能展示您精采的簡報內容,讓客戶滿意的跟您簽下合約。
綜合以上,個人認為雲端運算降低了 PC 的複雜度,在節能減碳方面應該會有所貢獻。但是,能否普及,就要看網路安全這一塊是不是能夠做到讓人信任。如果我很有錢,我一定會去買幾家做網路安全的公司,將來一定大賺!哈哈...
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